*Team price estimates are based on a person squad

Venue information


Battersea Park (SW corner)
Albert Bridge Rd
SW11 4NJ

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Venue Map

Venue Directions

From Battersea Park Station turn right out of the station towards the roundabout. At the roundabout turn left onto Prince of Wales Drive, Keeping the park on our right. When you reach the junction at the end of the road turn right into the Park. Follow the pathway straight until you reach the open Park.

League details

Whats included

  • Weekly games over 8 - 12 week period (see Duration above)
  • 40 minute total fixture length - minimum 17 minute halves
  • Experienced GO Mammoth referees/facilitators
  • All equipment provided
  • Up to date league fixtures and standings online
  • Prizes for league winners
  • Specials at our Partner Bar after every game
  • On the pitch - 6 players (min of 2 female players on the pitch at all times)
Recommended squad size = 10
Read touch rugby rules here

Levels of play explained

GO Mammoth offers touch rugby leagues at a variety of skill levels from recreational to intermediate, we cater to all levels, so you’ll be sure to find a league that matches your skill.

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