Thursday - Mixed - Recreational Games between 6.00pm - 8.00pm Level of play Recreational Duration 8-9 weeks Start Date 13/03/2025 £8.90 p/wk JOIN AS INDIVIDUAL £6.90 p/wk* JOIN AS TEAM *Team price estimates are based on a 10 person squad Venue information × Close League almost FULL. Enquire for spaces... First Name Last Name Email Address Phone Number × Close Thanks for your enquiry! Please note you’re not yet registered for this league. We’re checking availability of this league and will be in contact within the next couple of hours. Need a quicker answer? Not a problem - please call us on 0207 381 6034 to chat to one of our team who will be happy to help. AddressSt. Michael's Catholic College Llewellyn Street London SE16 4UNgoogle maps citymapperVenue MapVenue DirectionsFrom Bermondsey Station turn left out of the station and walk for 2 minutes on Jamica Road. Take your first right onto Bevington Street and then first right onto Scott Lidgett Crescent. Then take your first right down Llewellyn Street, walk to the end of the road until you see a big black gate on your left, just by the new build of flats. Enter through the school car park, follow it round and the 3G football pitches and sports hall will be in front of you. To enter the sports hall, go onto the 3G football pitches and the door is immediately on your left. League details Whats included Weekly games over 8 - 12 week period (see Duration above) 40 minute total fixture length - minimum 17 minute halves Experienced GO Mammoth referees/facilitators All equipment provided Up to date league fixtures and standings online Prizes for league winners Specials at our Partner Bar after every game On the pitch - 6 players (min of 2 female players on the pitch at all times) Recommended squad size = 10 Read touch rugby rules here Levels of play explained GO Mammoth offers touch rugby leagues at a variety of skill levels from recreational to intermediate, we cater to all levels, so you’ll be sure to find a league that matches your skill. find out more