QUIZ: Football club nicknames

Think you know your Royals from your Railwaymen, your Hoops from your Hammers and your Tykes from your Toffees? Take our quiz and you could win with 10% off your next league season with GO Mammoth or a FREE season. Once you’ve taken the quiz, fill in the form below to enter the competition

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Play 5-a-side with Go Mammoth in London

Which Go Mammoth league is right for me?

QUIZ: Netball vs Dodgeball team names

The six teams below either play netball or dodgeball with Go Mammoth, but can you guess which sport they play? Take our quiz below:


Check the best ten Go Mammoth dodgeball team names of all time

Play netball with Go Mammoth

North EastPlay Netball In Leeds | Play Netball In Sheffield
North WestNetball In Liverpool | Netball In Manchester
ScotlandNetball In Edinburgh | Netball In Glasgow
SouthPlay Netball In Oxford | Play Netball In Portsmouth | Play Netball In Reading | Play Netball In Southampton
South EastPlay Netball In Brighton
South WestPlay Netball In Bath | Play Netball In Bristol
WalesPlay Netball In Cardiff



Volleyball rules and policies

If you’re new to Volleyball or just want to brush up on your knowledge before entering our Volleyball London leagues, this is the article for you.


Teams will play 3 sets to 21 with a cap at 23 (40 min matches), or 3 sets to 25 with a cap at 27 (60 minute matches) using “All Rally Score” scoring. All Rally Score scoring means that every time a point is finished, one team will be awarded a point, whether they served or not. You must win by 2 clear points. The third set may be reduced in length (to 15 of 19 points) if the staff deems it necessary within the allotted time.


Six player teams must have a minimum two females on the court at all times. If a team has 5 players (minimum of 2 women) or 4 players (minimum of 1 woman) it will be considered a legal game. Teams with less than six players may have to adhere to the ghost rule (see below). For the 6’s league only the opposing captain has the option of instilling the Ghost Rule: In 6’s, if a team has 5 players for example, they must forfeit their serve after every 5th rotation. This will allow the team with a full squad to serve back-to-back.


If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to call our office so as to help us schedule your opponent a game; however this does not mean that your team will not receive the loss as a forfeit. If a team repeatedly forfeit, staff reserve the right to remove that team from the playoffs.

A team needs a minimum of 4 regular players in order to avoid a forfeit. A team with 3 players or less can be forced to forfeit at the choice of their opposition. A team with 4 players can pick up additional players during group stages of the season in order to avoid a forfeit and play a competitive game providing they field the minimum number of females.

Teams have until ten minutes past the designated start time to field a full squad. If at that time one team is unable to field a squad (minimum number of players required according to the rules), it will be up to the staff and the opposing captain to determine what is allowable. In the 6’s league the full team could also have the opposing team play with the ghost rule if they so choose (see above).

Any questions regarding policies, rules, or eligibility must be addressed before the start of the match.


A referee will be in position for each game. The referee’s decision is final; any player that argues with the referee or shows poor sportsmanship may be removed from the match or the league.


A team earns service possession for the start of the first game by winning a coin toss or a Rock/Paper/Scissors. The teams will then alternate service every other game.


During sixes team members must rotate on the court and must remain in that position until the serve has been contacted. The player in the back right hand corner of the rotation will be designated to serve and continue to rotate clockwise.

Go Mammoth volleyball


THREE CONTACTS – Each team is allowed a maximum of 3 successive contacts of the ball in order to return the ball to the opponent’s area. (Exception: In the action of blocking an attacking ball, the touch, or contact resulting from the block attempt does not constitute one of the three successive contacts.)

ATTACKING THE NET– In six’s only the three players that are in the front row of the rotation are allowed to attack the net. Violation of this rule would include any hitting or blocking that occurs above the plane of the net.

SIMULTANEOUS CONTACTS – When two non-blocking teammates touch the ball simultaneously, it is considered one contact, and any player may make the next contact. When two blocking teammates touch the ball simultaneously, it is not counted as a contact, and any player may make the next contact.

When two opponents simultaneously and instantaneously contact the ball over the net, the ball remains in play and the team receiving the ball is entitled to another three hits. If such a ball lands, it is the fault of the team on the opposite side of the net from where the ball lands.

CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CONTACT – The ball can contact any number of body parts down to, and including the foot, providing such contacts are simultaneous and the ball rebounds immediately and cleanly after such contact.

HELD BALL – The ball must be contacted cleanly and not held, lifted, pushed, caught, carried or thrown. The ball cannot roll or come to rest on any part of a player’s body. It can rebound in any direction.

HAND SETS – A contact of the ball using the fingers of one or two hands to direct the ball toward a teammate is a set. The ball must come into contact with both hands simultaneously and leave both hands simultaneously to avoid a double hit call. A player may set the ball over the net in front or behind them only in the direction in which their shoulders are squarely facing. Rotation of the ball after the set may indicate a held ball or multiple contacts during the set but in itself is not a fault.

ATTACKING THE BALL OVER THE OPPONENTS COURT- A player is not allowed to attack the ball on the opposite side of the net. If the ball is hit above the spiker’s side of the net and then the follow-through causes the spiker’s hand and arm to cross the net without contacting an opponent or the net, the action does not constitute a fault.

SERVICE – Serves that hit the net and go over the net to the opponents side will be “live” and are deemed good serves provided they are played by the opposing team or they land in bounds. It is legal to set the serve.

BLOCKING – Blocking is the action close to the net which intercepts the ball coming from the opponents’ side by making contact with the ball before, during or after it crosses the net.

MULTIPLE CONTACTS – Multiple contacts of the ball by a player(s) participating in a block shall be legal provided it is during one attempt to intercept the ball. Multiple contacts of the ball during a block shall be counted as a single contact, even though the ball may make multiple contacts with one or more players of the block.

PARTICIPATION AFTER A BLOCK – Any player participating in a block shall have the right to make the next contact, such contact counting as the first of three hits allowed the team.

BLOCKING A SERVE – Blocking or attacking a serve is prohibited.

BLOCKING A BALL ACROSS THE NET – Blocking of the ball across the net above the opponent’s court shall be legal provided that such a block is:

(1) After a player of the attacking team has spiked the ball, or, in the referee’s judgment, intentionally directed the ball into the opponent’s court, or has exhausted their third allowable hit.

(2) After the opponents have hit the ball in such a manner that the ball would clearly cross the net if not touched by a player, provided no member of the attacking team is in a position to make a legal play on the ball

(3) If the ball is falling near the net and no member of the attacking team could reasonably make a play on the ball.


PLAYER CONTACT WITH THE NET – No part of the body may touch the net at anytime unless a ball or person driven into the net causes the contact. Player contact with the net in a manner not directly relating to or affecting the course of play is not a violation. Contact with hair or part of the uniform will not be considered a fault.

SIMULTANEOUS CONTACT BY OPPONENTS – If opponents contact the net simultaneously, it shall constitute a double fault and the point shall be played over.

INTERFERENCE – A player may touch but not completely cross over the centre line with his/her foot.

Go Mammoth volleyball


All eligible teams make the playoffs (teams that have not abused any policies are eligible). In certain situations teams at or near the bottom of the standings may not advance to the playoffs. Check with Go Mammoth league coordinator to see if this applies to your league.

Teams may play more than one match per day in the play-offs.

If a team does not have a full squad (minimum number of players required according to the rules) by ten minutes past the designated start time, they will forfeit the first set of the match. At twenty minutes after the start time the match is forfeited (per staff and opposing team’s captain request).

Any questions regarding policies, rules, eligibility or forfeits must be addressed before the start of the match.


In order to participate in the league, each participant must sign the team waiver. Waivers are provided and must be completed and handed in no later than the first night of play. Players not present the first week of play will still be required to sign a waiver with our staff before participating.


The idea of Go Mammoth is to have fun. We hope that all participants keep that in mind when becoming involved. Although the games may become intense, you still can be competitive while maintaining good sportsmanship. With this said, any behaviour deemed unacceptable by staff may result in suspension and/or ejection from a game or the league.


Our referees and staff are present to coordinate and run the league and will be available at all times if you have questions regarding schedules, policies, rule interpretations, sponsor bar directions, etc. Please ask!

Volleyball league levels explained

We offer volleyball leagues catering to three different levels of play. Before you book your league, have a read of the league levels below, to ensure you select the league that’s right for you:


The perfect choice for those who are returning or new to the sport.

  • Introduce or re-introduce you to the rules of the game
  • Help you develop your volleyball skills
  • Improve your general fitness making you more match-ready 
  • Increase your tactical awareness
  • Develop awareness, positioning and co-operation within your team



Great for those looking for a slightly more competitive game…

  •  You have played volleyball before and can handle yourself in a game situation. Matches are still social and fun, however they have a more competitive edge!
  • Intermediate matches are played in 3 sets and are officiated by an umpire rather than supervised by a coach
  • Join an Intermediate league if you want to improve your skills during a weekly fun (and slightly competitive) game.



Competitive volleyball is for the serious match player!

  • For those who have played a good level in the past, and want to continue playing to a high standard
  • Perfect if you are comfortable setting, spiking and blocking and have good ball control/can keep a rally going
  • The environment is still social, and it’s a great way to meet other experienced players and play a competitive, fun game.



2016’s new netball rules

Taking a throw in

The player taking the throw in must have at least one foot within 15cm (6 inches) of the line. Previously the player must have placed one or both feet immediately behind the line.

Defending a shot at goal

A defender may not deflect a shot at goal on its downward path towards the ring (this includes touching the ball up through the net. This is a new rule addition as previously this wasn’t specifically covered.

Centre Pass

The Centre must have at least one foot wholly within the centre circle before the pass is taken. This rule has been relaxed slightly as previously the Centre would have been penalised if any part of their foot was on the ground outside of the centre circle as the pass was being played.

Penalty Pass

Once a player taking a penalty pass is in the correct position, the player may choose to either play the ball immediately or wait for the infringer to stand out of play.

Previously the player taking a penalty pass had to wait until the infringer was standing out of play. A player who did not wait until the penalty was “set” was penalised.

Short Pass

When a player passes the ball there must be sufficient space for an opposing player on the court to be able to intercept the ball as it moves from the hands of the thrower to the hands of the receiver.

Delaying Play

Delaying play (either accidentally or deliberately) is considered foul play – in some cases it could affect the outcome of the match. A penalty pass is awarded and the sanction is advanced.


Players may come into physical contact with each other as long as they’re striving to claim the ball. If they do not interfere with each other’s play or use their bodies to gain an unfair advantage over their opponent, it’s deemed a fair contest and play continues.

Goal Scored/Ball Out of Court

The umpire will now signal that a goal has been scored by raising one arm vertically. The umpire will no longer blow their whistle when a goal has been scored or the ball has gone out of court.

Go Mammoth netball


Ready to play netball with us:

London – Play Netball in London
North East
Play Netball In Leeds | Play Netball In Sheffield
North WestNetball In Liverpool | Netball In Manchester
ScotlandNetball In Edinburgh | Netball In Glasgow
SouthPlay Netball In Oxford | Play Netball In Portsmouth | Play Netball In Reading | Play Netball In Southampton
South EastPlay Netball In Brighton
South WestPlay Netball In Bath | Play Netball In Bristol
WalesPlay Netball In Cardiff

Read more netball content from GO Mammoth:

Here are 10 reasons why you should play netball with us
10 things everyone who played netball at school will relate to
The netball rules changed in September – check out the latest additions!
Check out the ultimate netball training drill

Why playing dodgeball will transform your working week!

If you look up dodgeball in the dictionary, it will tell you it’s a game in which players, in teams, form a circle and try to hit opponents with a large ball. Thing is, in reality, it’s much more than that – playing dodgeball will transform your working week for the better. Read on to find out more:

What is dodgeball?

Dodgeball London

Dodgeball is a team-based fast-paced sport that requires quick reflexes, agility, speed and hand-eye coordination. If you can dodge, dip, duck, dive and dodge, this is the game for you.

Did you know that it used to be played with rocks?

Yep this is true! Dodgeball was originally played in Africa over a couple of centuries ago, but back then it was a pretty violent game! It was played was large rocks. Each competitor would attempt to hit their opponent with their rock to hurt them!

Now it’s played with rubber balls and you can’t hit people in the face!

At the beginning of the game, six rubber balls are placed in the middle of the court. Two teams of eight will rush towards the middle to collect the balls, before attempting to eliminating their opponents by hitting them with the ball below the shoulder. If they’re hit, they’re out. However if they catch the ball, the person who threw the ball is out. It’s frantic, furious fun. Check out the full rules.

Go Mammoth Dodgeball

This sport has the best team names of all time

Artful Dodgers, Muthaduckas, Reservoir Dodge and No Hit Sherlock! are just a few of the teams that play dodgeball with Go Mammoth. Check out our dodgeball leagues’ other awesome team names.

Go Mammoth’s Dodgeball league has a fancy dress night once a season

Dodgeball is arguably the most social sport that we run here at Go Mammoth. Everyone who plays does so to have a good time and get some exercise at the same time. On the middle match of every season we have all of our league teams wear wage dodgeball war in fancy dress.

Dodgeball Social

The post-game socials after Go Mammoth dodgeball matches are legendary

Each week, after the last dodgeball has been thrown, our teams head to the bar for one of our legendary Go Mammoth socials.Better yet, we have a series of sponsor bars closed to our venues which offer food and drink discounts to our members.

And it won’t be a pain to get home!

We run our leagues in locations across London that are close to major train/tube stations. So when you’re on your dodgeball social and realise that it’s half 11, you won’t have to panic call a cab.

Want to find out more?

Hit that live chat box at the bottom of the screen and chat to one of our awesome team who can share more info with you about our dodgeball leagues. Or if you’re ready to play, check out our dodgeball venue list below:

Play Dodgeball in Angel | Play Dodgeball In Barbican
Play Dodgeball in Clapham Common |
Play Dodgeball in Clapham High Street |
Play Dodgeball in Kings Cross |
Play Dodgeball in London Bridge |
Play Dodgeball in London Bridge: Marlborough Sports Garden |
Play Dodgeball In Marleybone | Play Dodgeball In Putney |

The most intense game of volleyball of all time?

“Danneyball” is a 2v2 variant on beach volleyball with a big twist – the game is played with a 4.5kg medicine ball. The ball is thrown back and forth between the teams until a player doesn’t make or drops the catch. Similar but not quite the same as the Volleyball London games we arrange!

Pretty intense stuff! Check out this clip from Pittsburgh Steelers’ line-backer James Harrison playing a game of Danneyball in the middle of a 37 degree celsius Arizona heatwave:


A video posted by James Harrison (@jhharrison92) on

Want to play volleyball with GO Mammoth in London?

Find your nearest volleyball league

Thinking about playing netball again? Here’s why you should

Netball is a great way to keep fit

Netball is an incredibly fast-paced game that relies heavily on short sharp sprints and pin-point passes. On average a player can burn 450 calories during each 60 minute game.

Netball is great for building leg, upper body and core strength, while your flexibility will undoubtedly increase the more you play.

Definitely more fun than the gym

First and foremost, here at Go Mammoth, we ensure that all of our netball leagues around the country are enjoyable for all members! After each game is won or lost, the majority of our members head to our sponsor bars for a post-match drink.

Plus netball strengthens key areas of your body

Playing the sport regularly helps to build leg, upper body and core strength, while over time your flexibility will also increase playing the game. As netball is a game about throwing and catching, your hand-eye coordination will significantly improve over time playing netball.

All abilities are welcome – there’s a league for everyone at Go Mammoth!

Whether you fancy a competitive match, or just want a more leisurely recreational game, there is a league for you at Go Mammoth.

No team? No problem!

Can’t get a netball team together? Don’t worry – just sign up us as an individual and we’ll find a team for you to join (subject to availability).

Go Mammoth Netball

Beginners welcome!

So unlike other netball clubs in London we don’t expect you to have played before or even know the rules of netball to join our leagues. Just read up on the basics netball rules before your first match and our awesome team of umpires will soon help you learn all the ins and outs of the sport

We’ve got venues in cities across the UK

We run netball league in venues multiple cities across the UK. Select a city below to find out more:

North EastPlay Netball In Leeds | Play Netball In Sheffield
North WestNetball In Liverpool | Netball In Manchester
ScotlandNetball In Edinburgh | Netball In Glasgow
SouthPlay Netball In Oxford | Play Netball In Portsmouth | Play Netball In Reading | Play Netball In Southampton
South EastPlay Netball In Brighton
South WestPlay Netball In Bath | Play Netball In Bristol
WalesPlay Netball In Cardiff

10 things everyone who played netball in school will relate to

Netball London

When your captain or teacher asked you to play Wing Defence

Cheezburger GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

Crafted from the finest Internets.

When you first learn how to pivot and you do this for the first few games

Pokemon GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

Discover & Share this Pokemon GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

The first time you came up against an opponent who was super tall and skilled


Amazing GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

Discover & Share this Amazing GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

Playing in the middle of winter…


Cold GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

Discover & Share this Cold GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

The first time you played against a team from another school


Cheezburger GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

Crafted from the finest Internets.

When you played against girls who didn’t trim their nails


Cheezburger GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

Crafted from the finest Internets.

When your teacher/umpire blows the whistle because you’ve entered an area of the court you shouldn’t be in

Nicki Minaj GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

Eating lots of these after the second quarter


Tara GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

Discover & Share this Tara GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

When you score the winning goal


The Change Up GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

When boys said netball must be slow as you can’t run with the ball

Facepalm GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

Discover & Share this Facepalm GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

Playing netball with Go Mammoth is far more fun and social than when you played netball at school!

Ready to play netball with us:

London – Play Netball in London
North East
Play Netball In Leeds | Play Netball In Sheffield
North WestNetball In Liverpool | Netball In Manchester
ScotlandNetball In Edinburgh | Netball In Glasgow
SouthPlay Netball In Oxford | Play Netball In Portsmouth | Play Netball In Reading | Play Netball In Southampton
South EastPlay Netball In Brighton
South WestPlay Netball In Bath | Play Netball In Bristol
WalesPlay Netball In Cardiff

Read more netball content from GO Mammoth:

Here are 10 reasons why you should play netball with us
Forget school netball – 10 reasons why playing adult netball is more fun
The netball rules changed in September – check out the latest additions!
Check out the ultimate netball training drill